Reframe your New Year’s Resolution!

Reframe Resolution

The old paradigm of setting a resolution at the beginning of each year feels dated and rarely leads to success. Come June, a New Years resolution usually makes us feel like we have failed ourselves in some way.Here are my T-5 tips to reframing your concept of resolution. Applied with consistency and commitment you will learn the permanent skill set of setting yourself up to succeed.

1. Clarify your intention. Why do you want it? What are the benefits of achieving this goal? What are the consequences of not achieving it? Write this out on paper.

2. Raise your standards around personal responsibility and commitment to self. Many of us find it easy to keep commitments to others but difficult to keep a commitment to self. Your word to yourself is no less important than the promises you make to others. Shift your thinking around this; take seriously the promises you make to yourself.

3. Create visual supports. From project boards to post it notes we need daily reminders that support us in strengthening our commitment. Get creative in creating visual reminders.

4. Revisit your original intention at regular intervals. Schedule this. Whether it’s daily, weekly or monthly, create a routine around reconnecting and refreshing your original intention.

5. Build a support team. Work with a coach, a sponsor, group or a healer. Build a team of like-minded people who will formally and regularly support you in your goals and intentions.

Happy New Year!


  1. TC – this is a great list of suggestions. Thank you for a new way to look at the New Year!

  2. This is great T.C., thank you for reminding me that consistancy is the key.

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