B Your Own Valentine!

Coaching Theme of the Month:Photobucket

When you love yourself no one can knock you off your course.There is no better accessory than self-confidence.It’s February and we are surrounded by heightened expectations and Hallmark love. It doesn’t matter if you buy into the hype or not, we are all impacted by our own concepts of love and everything that goes along with it. Many people come to me for coaching because they are dissatisfied with their love lives. They feel stuck in a rut and they are tired of eating dinner alone and spending Friday nights with their television. The disconnect is that they think some great person is going to magically appear and make it all better for them. That might work in the short term, but once the glow wears off (and it always does) they are right back where they started, and it’s even worse because now they are hurt or pissed off because they didn’t get their needs met and are in the process of a crappy break up.I’m not trying to be a valentine bummer, if you are brimming with self-confidence and working from attraction, then please forward this e-mail to someone who needs it more than you do! However, if you think your happiness and well being is someone else’s responsibility then you are on the path to disappointment. You are not going to attract the healthy lasting meaningful love that you desire unless and until you get your relationship with yourself pulled together in a deep and meaningful way. I mean, who wants to start a relationship filled with the silent expectation that they are responsible for the other person’s happiness and well being? Talk about a handicap! You are doomed from the start. Stop looking for someone to fix you. When you fix you, you can attract someone really great into your life.Here’s the shift. Refuse to spend another Valentines Day feeling sorry for yourself, spend this Valentines day and the rest of the year, giving yourself love. Ask yourself, how can I improve my relationship with me? What can I do to empower myself? We create this shift by getting really clear on what we need to feel good about ourselves.Tune into your deepest feelings, what is it that makes you happy? Not new shoes or new guitar happy, that’s too fleeting. I’m talking a deep and lasting happy, one that’s filled with contentment and satisfaction. Commit to a long term investment in your relationship with self. When you like yourself, when you love yourself, when you are happy with who you are, you become brave, you get comfortable in your own skin and the irony is that you become immensely attractive to other people because they now want what you have. Now your attracting, not seeking.So if you don’t have a Valentine this Feb. 14th (or even if you do) then dust yourself off and do for you what you what you need to be happy. It’s not silly! Take yourself out, treat yourself to something special, show yourself some love, but really observe it. Let it sink in. It’s all about needs, and if your needs aren’t getting met you have no one but yourself to blame. It’s not the other guy, this ones on you. Take some self-responsibility and get yourself happy, It’s not just a sexy look, it’s an important part of your personal foundation.Internet phenomenon, Chris Crocker, got it right in his video blog.  Watch his self-love how-to here http://www.westcoastcoaching.com. I would post it here, but am not yet video-capable thru wordpress!!Thank you for reading!!

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