Accepting Change

“They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.”
Andy Warhol

Andy Warhol - we should all be animated

Andy Warhol - we should all be animated

Accepting Change
Change: we crave it… we believe it will heal our wounds…we resist it with every cell in our body.

It seems like I am always the last one to change formats. I loved my albums so much but had to give them up for the 8-track…cassette tapes where great (I had so many of them) so I resisted CD’s as long as I could. Then it was Friendster and now it’s Facebook. They stopped making Polaroid film and now I have to rip all of my music onto an external hard drive. Why can’t things just stay the same????

Can you imagine if everything stayed the same? Can you imagine if electricity was never invented or if the President of the United States’ term lasted forever?

Thank God for change, right? If change is so great then why does it cause us so much stress?

It doesn’t have to….all you have to do is welcome it and go with the flow.

Easier said than done?

Use Change to your advantage You cannot change what you don’t accept.

Change is necessary. Change is constant and by nature; it often gets worse before it gets better.

Whether you accept it or not, change is here and it’s here to stay, so you might as well get down with it. You will find change much easier to navigate when you are in the flow. Those of us who accept change will have a much easier time during this transition than those who are in resistance.

Remember, they are called growing pains because of the fear and discomfort. Remind yourself that everything is temporary, take comfort in the fact that you are growing.

Coaching tips

Re-organize by courageously eliminating the old.

Don’t be afraid to let go.

Clear the space in your mind.

Upgrade your attitude, improve your relationships, heal your spirit or just clean out your closet or your CD collection; do whatever you are ready for.

Take Away Points
  • Learn to let go.

The old systems / formats have to go so the new can arrive.

  • Refuse fear.

It’s impossible to make good choices when you choose from fear.

  • Be in abundance.

When you come from abundance, you are not afraid of loosing out.

  • Be fluid.

Put your trust in the universe.

  • Cause the right effect.

Be clear on the change you are asking for, your intention is powerful.

  • Practice patience.

When you are fluid and in trust, you know it’s only a matter of time.

By aligning yourself with the deep knowledge that you are supported on this journey, you will grow and change into a stronger, more knowledgeable, higher version of yourself.