Turning Fear Into Faith

Whether it’s the recession, rising gas & food prices,  or the upcoming US elections, things are slow and it seems as if the nation is in the grip of fear.  Fear of the slow down, fear of stagnation, fear of change, fear of not having enough, fear of losing what you do have and most definitely a fear of not getting what you want.

FEAR FEAR FEAR what a horrible place to live your life from.
You know I have a saying at WCC and it’s “F***fear”.

Unfortunately, it seems that many of us are deeply connected to our fears.  So what do we do?  We bitch about it, we complain.  We voice loudly over and over again exactly what is wrong, with no solution in sight.  When we slip into this pattern we are not only reiterating and empowering (multiple times a day) the things we want the least, we are drawing them closer to us, making them real and keeping our fears alive.

I strongly encourage you to make the commitment to turn your fear into faith.  I don’t care what you believe in as long as you believe. Yes, things may be slow right now but this too shall pass.

I’m not proposing blind faith, I’m talking about a proactive faith, the kind that motivates and creates solutions. Have faith in yourself, have faith in the universe, have faith in your support system or your higher power.  Have faith that the low times are here to balance out the high times, and that if you are down you won’t be down for long.  This is the lull before the surge. Change is immanent and just on the horizon so instead of energizing the problem, realize your own desires by energizing the solution. Get creative, and get involved.  Refuse to play the same fear-based tapes over and over again; your tapes become your truths.  You have the opportunity to initiate change.  But, not from fear, from strength.  I think Gandhi said it best when he said “be the change you want to see in this world”.

Now is the time to get clear on what you want and to go for it!

You are a powerful creator manifesting reality with every thought, feeling and word.  You know the saying be careful what you wish for, It’s true.
