You Are NOT Alone

We are all a part of the Evolution Revolution

The news reminds us daily that the economy is on the brink of collapse, unemployment is up, the stock market is down and President Obama keeps using the word catastrophe when he speaks of our current economy. THE VEILS OF ILLUSION HAVE BEEN LIFTED.

Vulnerable & Alone

Vulnerable & AloneOur old ways of navigating the world are failing and we are left standing in great fear of the unknown. Not quite sure how to now move through life, we are feeling exposed, vulnerable, afraid and alone.

There are no coincidences and if you are reading this, it is for a reason. It is time to take responsibility for your life. We are experiencing a time of great (and very necessary) change. For the first time in over 2,600 years, our fear-based ways of living are over. Each and every person on the planet is being called to open their heart, discover their truth and step into their power. Whether you like it or not, you are part of the EVOLUTION REVOLUTION.

With all great change comes great opportunity. What is so unique about this time is that we cannot be fixed by another person nor can we be handed all the answers. We each have to find the personal courage to look at what it is we have been avoiding, denying, ignoring or pretending isn’t there. In each obstacle we face, there is an opportunity to move past our fear and step into our Greatness. Are you a victim or victorious?

We must each walk our own paths but YOU ARE NOT ALONE. We are shifting from separation and fear-based living into creating our lives from a place of unity, community and One Love. This is not the time to isolate and attempted to figure things out on your own. It is the time to step into community and ask for help and support from those around you who hold your highest good.

Camp Courage (T.C. Conroy, Jennifer Matthews) is here to assist in illuminating your path, to help you bridge the gap between the old and the unknown and to create a safe and supportive community in which you can step into your strength and courage. Now is not the time to panic, NOW IS THE TIME TO COMMIT. Commit to yourself, commit to Self-Mastery, commit to courage, commit to change and most important, commit to strengthening your personal foundation so that it can carry you through this uncertain and scary time of change.

What people are saying about Camp Courage!